LDP Visits UW Health and William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital

The 2016-2017 LDP cohort visited the UW Health and William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital (Madison VA) in February 2017. We started our day with a UW Health Overview & Leadership Roundtable, with Ron Sliwinski, FACHE, President of UW Hospitals and Chief of Clinical Operations; and Tim Gaillard, FACHE, UW Hospital Chief Operating Officer.  This interactive session was followed by a highly informative UW Med-Flight Tour led by Ryan Wubben, MD, Medical Director of UW Med Flight.  The group then had an opportunity to spend time with Jonathan Jaffery, MD, President & CEO of UW Health ACO, to learn about key initiatives related to Accountable Care & Population Health.  This was followed by an engaging session with senior leadership from UW Health’s American Family Children’s Hospital, including Jeff Poltawsky, FACHE, Senior Vice President and Barb Byrne, Vice President of Clinical Operations.

The group then traveled to the Madison VA Hospital on the same campus, and started that site visit with a session led by John Good, Group Practice Manager, on Leveraging Data to Increase Access.  The LDP group then had an opportunity to participate in a Madison VA Overview & Leadership Roundtable, led by John Rohrer, Madison VA Director.  Thor Ringler then introduced their Best Practice: My Life, My Story initiative with veterans, and the group participated in a Care in the Community Overview and Q & A with the team of Tony Dargiewicz, Chief of Patient Administrative Service.  The site visit culminated with Kayla Moreno, Nurse Manager, taking the group on a a Tour of the Community Living Center.