WHA offering free webinar series: Building Resilience for Health Care Professionals

Beginning in January, the Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA) and the Wisconsin Medical Society are partnering to offer a free monthly webinar series, focused on building workplace resilience for busy and stressed health care professionals. The issue of burnout among health care professionals is real, common but treatable. The 2019 monthly sessions included in this series will address the issue with engaging and evidence-based content, delivered in bite-sized doses, and include practical tools, strategies and resources for building and maintaining a resilient workforce that will be immediately applicable for all members of the health care team, regardless of your role.

As a member of the Wisconsin Chapter of ACHE, WHA would like to personally invite you to register today to participate in this important series.

The series was developed and will be led by well-known health care workforce resilience expert Dr. Bryan Sexton, Director of the Duke Patient Safety Center at Duke University Health System. Each session is scalable for an audience of any size, and will also be recorded for participants to access on-demand. We recommend you consider gathering staff for the live session each month or using the recorded session as part of a regularly scheduled staff meeting throughout 2019. Each monthly session will feature a unique topic and is approved for both AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and Nurse CE credit., for those who participate in the live event or view the recording within 30 days.

The first session, Prevalence and Severity of Burnout: Workforce Resilience as Care Quality, is scheduled for January 8, so I encourage you to register today. Pre-registration is required, so register now.

If you have specific questions about the series or registration, contact Jennifer Frank or 608-274-1820.